My roomy Zully is also looking dignified in the pic. I like it, although it came out a bit dark.

Gandhi looks like an Arhat giving the fear not mudra. An Arhat is to Buddha what the 12 disciples were to Jesus. A Mudra is a hand gesture given by a buddha, arhat, or bodisattva in paintings, sculptures or drawings. Each mudra represents a complex buddhist concept canonically illustrated in buddhist religious artifacts. Don't I sound smart? I took a Buddhist art history class last semester. It was one of my favorite classes! I wonder what religion Gandhi belong to? Was he Hindu?
My title has nothing to do with my post but I heard it on the #14 bus on my way home after tooling around the Embarcadero. There was this guy that came onto the bus who was chatting it up with the driver. You know when you first get on the bus at the front to pay for your fair. He was just chilling out on the steps. Your not suppose to do that!! But I guess it doesn't matter since he is a buddy of the driver. The dude was having a good old time laughing like there was something incredably funny he had to laugh loud enough for us to hear at the back of the bus. Zully, my roomy and I were on one of those doublly long buses so the guy you can imagine was extra loud if people on the back of this bus could hear him. Gosh, it took forever to get home. Zully and I were waiting forever for the bus to come and when we got to the Mission there were 2 big #14 buses that appeared in front of us. How does that happen? Its the same bus with the same route. I don't get it. I think the guy was shouting about Rookie this and rookie that because the bus driver in the bus ahead of us was apparently new to the job. Lo and behold when we stepped off the bus in good old Daly City there was a heavy blanket of fog to greet us. Welcome Home to Foggy daily city.
Tomorrow I plan on going to school to talk to my Study abroad advisor about what documents I need to have to include with my british visa application. If she can't help me I will email Ms. Lessware at London Met. I ask lots of questions, I wonder if these two incredibaly nice, patient ladies are annoyed with me yet. Since I 'm going to campus I might as well workout too. Why not. I'll be productive unlike most days. I hate not being in school. I feel lost when the semester is not in session. I'm really nervous about the experienceing the british university system first hand though. I dunno, can I hack it?
I'm going to suck it up and pay for a London A-Z street atlas, a new video ipod and digital recording attachement from Amazon. The street atlas is absoluetly essential. I'm going to start getting myself aquanted with the streets and neighborhoods of London. Also I need to start posting on the London group page on couchsurfing so I can get aquantied with CS Londoners that are soon to be my new friends and get some buring questions I have answered about life in the city. ansered. The reason I feel like I need a new ipod is because, well, I stepped on my old one, it no longer works. I had a nano before but I think getting a video ipod would be useful for the video podcasts I plan on making when I get to London. I'm taking a creative digital video class next semester and I would like to document my life there. I feel like i need a recorder to attach to my ipod so I can do some more interviewing, a had so much fun inerviewing people last semester with my final art project, and my recordings coming from my ipod will be Mac friendly which is always important.
Here is a photo of a HSBC bank on Irving in the Sunset in S.F. which is also in London. You can barely make out the Sutro Tower which is an unmistakable San Francisco landmark, right above the bank building in the background.

I think that I'm going to open an international student account there when I arrive in London.